CBD / CBDA For Post-Workout Muscle Recovery

Written by Liliana Benzel

heavily muscled man getting ready to lift a heavy weight

If you’re reading this article, you’re likely someone who takes their body’s overall health and wellness very seriously and enjoys all of the benefits of regular workouts. That said, while working out is fantastic for your health and quality of life- especially as you get older- it does come with some drawbacks in the form of aches, pains, and general discomfort in your joints and muscles. If you contend with post-workout disadvantages like these, you may have tried out at least a few different products to help find some relief and move recovery along, including CBD. If you haven’t given CBD a shot, it might be time to reconsider your recovery approach.

However, there’s no reason to stop at CBD alone.

Below, our dedicated experts from 8700 Relief will explain the prospective benefits of using CBDA plus CBD and how leveraging both can help you achieve relief while speeding up your post-workout recovery!

Related: How Can CBD & CBDA Help Athletes?

Post-Workout Recovery: What to Know About Your Aching Muscles

When you work out, you stress your muscles, which naturally begin to break down before starting to repair themselves. During the repair process, the fibers become larger and stronger, which naturally leads to stronger, more prominent muscles. While the process results are great and are generally the main point of many people’s workout goals, that doesn’t mean it isn’t uncomfortable. Remember, your muscles are breaking down and rebuilding themselves, which is bound to cause at least a little discomfort, inflammation, and stiffness. 

Generally, most people will experience the signature pain and inflammation of post-workout recovery a day or two after working out. Then it will last for around three to five days, depending on how severely your muscles broke down and how much repair work is needed. During that period, it’s generally a good idea to take things easy and rest before getting back into your usual workout routine.

However, not everyone wants or has the luxury of waiting for their bodies to sort themselves out. For those who want or need a way to get back out there and be physically active as quickly as possible, CBD and CBDA can be a fantastic solution.

Are you looking for a new source of top-quality relief for your aching muscles and joints after an intense workout? Our expertly formulated CBD and CBDA salve from 8700 Relief might be the product you’ve been looking for!

Just look at what one strongman powerlifter had to say about 8700 Relief Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve in his 5-Star review:

“My name is Caesar and I compete in the ultimate weightlifting and strongman. It's been about two weeks prior to a big competition. I had been using 8700 and I noticed a HUGE difference in my training for the competition I just competed in. It helped me tremendously, lathering my sore spots a few times throughout the day after I would lift and train. I took 5th in the competition lifting 600+ lbs. I can tell you that without 8700, I probably wouldn't have felt as healed up as I did coming into this competition. I recommend 8700 to any weightlifter who wants to lift extreme!!” (8700 Relief Customer, Caesar R. 7/08/2022)

The Basics of CBD & CBDA

man and woman doing pushups while facing each other and giving a high five

You’ve probably heard a little about CBD, but that may not be the case for CBDA. Before we delve into the benefits they can provide for your post-workout recovery journey, let’s explore the basics that you should understand about what each one is and how they work within the body. 

In short, CBD and CBDA are two of over 100 cannabinoids found within cannabis plants. Unlike THC, they are non-psychoactive and won’t trigger the sensation of being “high.” The two cannabinoids directly interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is a network of unique receptors throughout the body, especially in the central nervous system. It plays a major part in regulating several functions, such as inflammation, pain, sleep, appetite, mood, and memory. CBD and CBDA can produce various benefits when interacting with these receptors.

For example, CBD is known to help relieve various issues related to arthritis, chronic pain, heart health, and more. Meanwhile, CBDA (essentially the much stronger mother of CBD) can help combat inflammation. While more scientific research is still needed to fully understand the impact of these two cannabinoids- especially CBDA- several studies have already indicated their wide range of potential benefits. 

Related: The Top 10 Burning Questions Consumers Ask About CBD

What Can CBD and CBDA Do For Your Post-Workout Recovery?

People generally deal with many problematic symptoms during their post-workout recovery, ranging from aches and pains to stiffness and inflammation, all of which can make it difficult to perform essential daily tasks. These issues also make it challenging for many people to enjoy the same overall quality of life throughout their recovery. It can be very disheartening for those trying to improve their physical health and wellness. 

By leveraging both CBD and CBDA, people leverage the wide range of benefits noted above to help reduce pain and inflammation while potentially speeding up their overall rate of recovery. These cannabinoids can also help drastically reduce and sometimes even eliminate the need for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to address pain and discomfort.

NSAIDs, like ibuprofen and aspirin, while effective in providing mild to moderate pain relief, can gradually damage the stomach lining and GI tract if taken regularly over an extended period due to a specific cox enzyme. According to research, CBDA has a similar molecular structure to NSAIDs and can work just as effectively but doesn’t contain the same enzyme that produces harmful effects on the stomach and intestines. This means that a quality CBD product is the perfect solution for workout enthusiasts who want to expedite their recovery while reducing their reliance on over-the-counter pain medications.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to CBDA

woman in gym squatting with heavy barbell

In Summary

CBD and CBDA are scientifically shown to provide a wide array of benefits related to reducing aches, pain, discomfort, and inflammation, making them a perfect solution for post-workout recovery. Our team of pain relief experts at 8700 Relief sincerely hopes you’ll consider trying out our specially formulated CBD and CBDA salve now that you know all the benefits it can provide to your body after your workout sessions. We offer one fl oz jars and a three-pack of pocket-sized 5ml jars for those who want to give our product a personal test run. 

If you’d like more great information on what CBD and CBDA can do in your life, please consider exploring the selection of other expertly written educational resources on our website.

Do you struggle with issues related to aches, pains, and general discomfort in your muscles and joints after a long workout session? Our specially created CBD and CBDA salve from 8700 Relief can help.

*FDA Disclaimer

While the above information on this website is the product of intensive scientific research into CBDA, CBD, and cannabis, it should be noted that the data has not been officially evaluated or approved by the FDA. Neither the above information nor CBDA and CBD products- such as those offered by 8700 Relief- are designed to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any condition. Before starting any supplement, CBD, or CBDA product, please consult with your doctor for advice, especially if you are currently nursing, pregnant, or have any pre-existing medical conditions. You should also seek medical advice before use if you are taking other prescribed medications.

There are plenty of CBD products for people to choose from when looking for relief from pain, inflammation, and more, but very few of these products contain CBDA. Our specially formulated salve at 8700 Relief proudly features both CBD and CBDA to better your chances of finding the relief you need.

About Liliana L. Benzel

Liliana Benzel is a professional editor and content writer specializing in ghostwriting and article creation in various industries, from health and wellness to cryptocurrency and more. She’s an esteemed cum laude alumna of the University of Denver with a passion for SEO.


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