The Top 10 Burning Questions Consumers Ask About CBD

8700 Relief Separates the Myths from the Facts

Written by Liliana L. Benzel

Everywhere you turn these days, it seems like you’re bombarded with tons of CBD products and claims. From CBD oil for sleep and anxiety to CBD topicals for pain relief, CBD is a hot topic. But with any new trending topic, there is always a slew of misinformation, new urban legends, and total myths.

The experts at 8700 Relief have answered some of the consumer’s most burning questions. Here are the top 10 questions they get on the regular:

1. What exactly is CBD?

In short, CBD is a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are known as the main active compounds in cannabis that directly interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS)- a network of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body, particularly in the central nervous system and immune system. Said system plays an essential role in regulating homeostasis and several health functions, including;

  • Pain

  • Inflammation

  • Sleep

  • Mood

  • Memory

  • Appetite

  • Fertility and reproduction.

Cannabinoids can impact the communication of cell response signals within the ECS, thereby creating a range of mental and physical benefits.

Presently, there are more than 100 known cannabinoids.

2. Is CBD safe?

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report on CBD in 2018, confirming that “CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.” However, the WHO also reported that “adverse effects may result from drug-drug interactions between CBD and patients’ existing medications.”

But, consumers beware. Not all CBD products are created equally or carry the same quality, so it’s essential to do your homework.

3. Is CBD addictive?

CBD alone is not addictive. Studies have shown that since CBD is non-psychoactive, there is no potential for physical addiction. In fact, in some research, CBD has been found to reduce cravings of tobacco and heroin in humans under certain conditions.

4. Will CBD use make me more susceptible to cannabis drug addiction?

CBD is not an addictive substance, but THC is an addictive substance. So, if you are using any CBD product derived from marijuana that contains THC, you may be susceptible to THC addiction.

Therefore, it is essential to look at the COA’s of the CBD products you are using. Products like 8700 Relief’s Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve have absolutely NO THC and are a great product to avoid this potential complication. 

5. Can You Get “High” From Using CBD?

man gesturing no to an offered marijuana joint

In a word, No. CBD itself is not psychoactive and will not get you high. But, CBD can make you more comfortable and reduce pain levels, making you feel more mellow and less stressed.

Users of 8700 Relief’s Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve report great relief in their overall pain level, improving mood and general enjoyment of everyday life.

6. Will using CBDA/CBD salve cause you to fail a drug test?

This is a question that many individuals are concerned with if their employers require drug testing. The good news is that CBD products containing no THC will not show up in a drug test. 8700 Relief’s Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve contains zero THC and is used by many people who do have to take drug tests regularly for their employment. 

Are you searching for a top-quality source of relief for your aching muscles and joint discomfort? 8700 Relief is proud to offer a selection of handcrafted CBD/CBDA salve that might provide the exact solution you’re looking for!

7. How does CBDA/CBD help with my pain?

Studies show CBD helps reduce pain by reducing inflammation, much like over-the-counter pain relievers. It can also affect receptors in the brain, acting as an analgesic.

CBDA goes one step further by acting as a Cox-2 inhibitor. Research conducted back in 2008 indicates that CBDA possesses effective anti-inflammatory characteristics. Scientists discovered that CBDA had a similar molecular structure to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and can act as a selective Cyclooxygenase (Cox) inhibitor, much like ibuprofen and aspirin. However, there is one key difference regarding how these substances impact different Cox enzymes.

The Cox-1 enzyme is primarily responsible for maintaining the body’s intestinal and stomach lining, while Cox-2 causes inflammation. NSAIDs impact both Cox enzymes, which is why repeated, frequent use of the drugs over the long term can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

CBDA, on the other hand, only impacts Cox-2 to reduce inflammation and associated aches or discomfort, meaning that it works in much the same way as NSAIDs but won’t produce damaging effects to the stomach lining, even after frequent or prolonged use. Additionally, while CBDA interacts with the ECS by inhibiting the Cox-2 enzyme, it doesn’t directly affect the central nervous system, which means people can rely on CBDA without feeling impaired. 

This is why 8700 Relief worked so diligently creating a proprietary process that includes CBDA in their Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve. Most CBD salves on the market do not contain CBDA, and it’s why many of them don’t produce the results people are hoping for.

8. Will CBD make me hungry?

CBD or CBD salve will not make you hungry. That being said, CBD’s natural ability to reduce nausea can make it easier for people to want to eat. But, the CBD itself does not induce hunger.

9. Will CBD make you relaxed?

CBD has been found to create calming and relaxed feelings in individuals by affecting the body’s natural endocannabinoid system (ECS). Your body naturally produces endocannabinoids, which promote feelings of stability and balance throughout your system. Recent studies suggest CBD modifies the enzymes in the ECS to make the natural endocannabinoids stay in your system longer, therefore enhancing the natural calming effects of the ECS.

10. Will CBD make me anxious?

woman sitting on couch looking anxious

Pure CBD is not psychoactive and does not induce anxiety. In fact, CBD has been used to treat anxiety and can sometimes counteract THC-induced anxiety. So, we know THC can cause anxiety. If your CBD product contains THC, there is a possibility that you could experience anxiety.  

We hope that answers your burning questions about CBD and puts to rest some of the myths circulating out there. But before you go, the experts at 8700 Relief have added 3 Bonus Q&As:

11. Why does 8700 Relief use essential oils in its Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve?

We use essential oils in our salve to enhance the discomfort-relieving results and give you a more instant sense of relief while the CBDA/CBD works into your muscles and joints. Our unique blend of Sweet Orange, Ginger, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Roman Chamomile has many beneficial properties:

  • Sweet Orange- is an excellent anti-inflammatory oil, has anti-bacterial properties, and has been shown in studies to reduce inflammation and sooth muscle aches and pains.

  • Ginger- has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory oil, which assists in pain relief. Studies have also shown it can significantly inhibit chronic joint swelling.

  • Peppermint- when applied topically- has been shown to help with headaches, muscle aches, joint pain, and itching

  • Spearmint has a high menthol content, supplying an instant cooling, soothing effect

  • Lavender naturally reduces inflammation, reduces pain, and cleanses the skin

  • Eucalyptus reduces inflammation and helps restore moisture to the skin

  • Roman Chamomile has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties for conditions like arthritis, back pain, and neuralgia 

12. Why does 8700 Relief’s Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve make my skin feel so smooth, soft, and moisturized?

The base ingredients for our salve are equal parts raw shea butter and jojoba oil.

Shea butter is nutrient-rich and contains vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, including linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids. It has been shown to improve the skin’s natural barrier, increasing moisture and protecting it from environmental damage.

Jojoba oil is fully loaded with antioxidants, such as vitamins A and E and omega-6 fatty acids. These factors make it perfect for moisturizing skin and reducing redness and chapping. Native Americans used jojoba oil to treat sores and wounds centuries ago, and it is still a powerful tool in the treatment of dry, cracked skin, sunburn, eczema, and rosacea.

13. What’s with the name?

Nope, we didn’t base our name on a computer processor, pressure relief valve, or exotic tequila. Although those are all good guesses, we actually named our company after the elevation of the place where Chris and Julie Foster, our founders, fell in love, got married, and started creating what is now our Superior Strength CBDA/CBD Salve.

Chris had a small cabin up in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, at an elevation of 8700 feet above sea level in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. And that is where it all began. Chris took Julie up to the tranquility of nature every weekend to escape the stress and demands of their hectic lives in the city. In a short time, they fell in love, got married, and started a life they love.

Finding relief for aching muscles, stiff joints, and consistent inflammation can be tricky, especially when so many products are available. Thankfully, 8700 Relief is here to help by offering access to our specially formulated CBD/CBDA salve!

*FDA Disclaimer

While the above information on this website is the product of intensive scientific research into CBDA, CBD, and cannabis, it should be noted that the data has not been officially evaluated or approved by the FDA. Neither the above information nor CBDA and CBD products- such as those offered by 8700 Relief- are designed to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any condition. Before starting any supplement, CBD, or CBDA product, please consult with your doctor for advice, especially if you are currently nursing, pregnant, or have any pre-existing medical conditions. You should also seek medical advice before use if you are taking other prescribed medications.

Liliana Benzel

Liliana Benzel is a professional editor and content writer specializing in ghostwriting and article creation in various industries, from health and wellness to cryptocurrency and more. She’s an esteemed cum laude alumna of the University of Denver with a passion for SEO.


The Ultimate Guide to CBDA