The Ultimate Guide to CBDA

Written by Liliana L. Benzel

woman standing in a field of hemp

Do you frequently struggle from issues related to sore muscles, a throbbing back, stiff joints, aching feet, or inflammation? Do you often have to contend with the pain and frustration caused by tension headaches or migraines? If so, you aren’t as alone as you might think. Many people naturally suffer from a wide range of physical issues, especially as they age or if they work in particularly demanding career fields that require a lot of movement, heavy lifting, or other regular activity. 

If this happens to describe your situation, you may have turned to CBD products in the past to achieve relief. But while many CBD products can offer some assistance in ridding your body of its aches and discomforts, there’s only so much that CBD alone can do, especially if it comes contained in a less-than-stellar quality product.

If you’re currently searching for an even better solution, then CBDA may be your answer, and our experts here at 8700 Relief are here to explain why.

Related: 8700 Relief: Check Out Our Products!

Cannabinoids: The Basics to Understand First

Before we delve into our exploration of CBDA and its superiority to CBD, let’s first take the time to explain some basic facts that you should understand about cannabis, the various compounds it contains, and how those compounds work. 

In short, cannabinoids are the main active compounds in cannabis that directly interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS)- a network of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body, particularly in the central nervous system and immune system. Said system plays an essential role in regulating homeostasis and several health functions, including;

  • Pain

  • Inflammation

  • Sleep

  • Mood

  • Memory

  • Appetite

  • Fertility and reproduction

Cannabinoids can impact the communication of cell response signals within the ECS, thereby creating a range of mental and physical benefits.

Presently, there are more than 100 known cannabinoids found in cannabis, and chances are you at least know a bit about two of the most popular ones; THC and CBD. Though these cannabinoids aren’t the intended focus of this article, it’s still crucial for people to understand their different functions and how they work. Knowing about THC and CBD will also make it easier to explain the functions and benefits of CBDA. As such, we’ll briefly explore the basics you’ll want to understand about the roles of each.

THC and CBD: The Cannabinoids You (Probably) Know

little chalk board with CBD and THC molecular structures drawn out

To help clear up any initial miscommunication before discussing THC vs. CBD, let’s first state a clear fact about cannabis as a whole: hemp and marijuana plants are both the same species, and the difference between the two is more a matter of legal definition than anything else. In legal terms, hemp is defined as a cannabis plant containing 0.3% THC or less, and marijuana is a cannabis plant with anything more than 0.3% THC. 

Both types of cannabis create varying amounts of CBD, though it’s more prevalent in hemp plants. Many businesses choose to derive their CBD products specifically from hemp plants to avoid their goods containing too much (or any) THC, which may result in legal penalties. 


Tetrahydrocannabinol (typically known as THC) is the psychoactive compound in cannabis plants (mostly marijuana), and it’s been used recreationally and medicinally for centuries. In short, it’s the compound that gives you the feeling of being “high” and is most often consumed through smoking high-THC marijuana strains. However, it’s also found in edibles, oils, tinctures, capsules, and soft gels. 


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a more recently discovered element of cannabis than THC, and it’s typically contained in the same types of products. However, it is not psychoactive and will not get you high. Instead, research has indicated that it can produce a range of therapeutic benefits. 

Many individuals use CBD products to relieve various issues, from arthritis and epilepsy to insomnia, anxiety, and even chronic pain. More research is needed to understand its benefits related to these issues entirely. However, the FDA has already approved one CBD-based drug- Epidiolex- to treat severe forms of childhood epilepsy. 

Despite CBD’s recent boom in societal popularity, its lack of psychoactive effects, and its range of potential and proven medical benefits, stigma is still tied to CBD because of its close relationship to THC. However, growing levels of overall marijuana acceptance suggest this stigma is quickly fading from public perception. 

Now that we’ve taken the time to explore the essential elements of CBD and THC that people should understand, we can move onto the primary topic that we’d like to educate you on today; Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA).

What is CBDA, and Where Does it Come From?

In short, CBDA is one of the three most commonly found cannabinoids alongside Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) and Cannabichromenic acid (CBCA). All three derive from the compound known as Cannabigerolic acid (CBGA)- commonly referred to as the mother of all cannabinoids- and are naturally converted into the more widely known cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and others) through a process called decarboxylation. But that’s a lot of technical science information you don’t need to understand.

To help keep things simple, just think of CBDA as CBD’s more powerful mother and one of the three children of the first primary cannabinoid, CBGA. 

chart showing progression of CBGA to CBD to CBD

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How Does CBDA Differ From CBD?

CBDA has been on the radar of research since the compound was first isolated in 1965 by Israeli scientist Rafael Mechoulam, meaning that it was actually discovered before CBD. In spite of this, there is relatively little known about the CBDA cannabinoid compared to CBD, though it’s well known that neither substance will get users high. 

Due to relatively recent developments in cannabis research, CBDA has become a significant source of scientific intrigue. Many experts believe it may provide some major therapeutic benefits for specific conditions. Even more so than its CBD daughter! Also, because CBDA goes through fewer processes to develop, some people consider it a more natural substance than CBD.

While the research into the possible benefits of CBDA is still in its infancy, many industry professionals now proclaim that the cannabinoid is a new frontier in cannabis-based therapy. There is significant hope that the substance can eventually help reduce the need for certain medications and provide long-term side effects to improve people’s overall physical and mental wellbeing. 

According to some preliminary studies, CBDA has been shown to help offer relief for inflammation, seizures, and more, much like CBD. However, the key finding of this research is that CBDA might be much more effective than its CBD counterpart when used to address specific issues and may reportedly provide much more significant health benefits than CBD alone to the above conditions. 

For example, one study indicates that CBDA was as much as a thousand times more effective than CBD at reducing the effects of anxiety and nausea. Another study showed that CBDA produced antidepressant effects in rats at dosages 10 to one hundred times lower than CBD, meaning that it was much more effective than CBD, even in smaller amounts. 

Early research indicates that CBDA may possess a range of distinct qualities that CBD doesn’t. For example, scientists have noted CBDA’s potential as an anticonvulsant, antioxidant, and antibacterial substance. Some research shows that it may even help treat certain types of cancer! These factors indicate that CBDA may be set apart from CBD in certain areas and may provide users with a broader range of benefits.

Are you currently searching for a new source of topical CBD and CBDA products to help address your soreness, discomfort, inflammation, or stiffness? Our top-quality salve at 8700 Relief may be the exact solution you’re looking for, so consider trying it out today to see what kind of benefits it can provide!

If CBDA is so Great, Why Haven’t I Heard of it Before Now?

First off, you need to understand that CBDA tends to be present in relatively small amounts in most cannabis plants these days. Additionally, the vast majority of CBDA present in the plant naturally breaks down into CBD because it is an unstable compound, especially during product manufacturing processes. These two factors mean that little to no CBDA is usually leftover once cannabis plants reach maturity, are dried, and are turned into various products. There’s also the fact that many cannabis strains have been selectively bred to contain minimal levels of CBDA and its sister compounds.

Additionally, CBDA and other acidic forms of cannabinoids are not considered active in pharmacological terms. Meaning they don’t affect the ESC in the same way their counterparts (CBD and THC) do. Because of this, most research has been focused almost solely on CBD alone instead of CBDA. 

If you’re a frequent or even an occasional user of various CBD products, you’ve likely never encountered any that contain CBDA. Products have to undergo a particular type of delicate, slow processing to prevent the CBDA from converting into CBD, and many manufacturers don’t have the time or willingness to undergo that intense process. They’re focused on producing as much product as quickly as possible to get them onto the shelves and into the hands of eager buyers.

That said, some newer specialty brands have recently discovered the significant benefits of CBDA and are now actively working to maintain its presence in their products. Our experts at 8700 Relief, for example, have developed a highly-intensive manufacturing process to ensure that our products contain levels of both CBD and CBDA to provide a massive range of compounded benefits for our clients.

 What Potential Benefits Can CBDA Provide?

image of open salve jar sitting on burlap fabric

While we’ve briefly mentioned some of the overall benefits that CBDA can provide in previous sections, let’s delve deeper into the most common advantages that CBDA can provide to those who use it; reduced inflammation and discomfort relief.

Research conducted back in 2008 indicates that CBDA possesses effective anti-inflammatory characteristics, similar to CBD. Scientists discovered that CBDA had a similar molecular structure to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and can act as a selective Cyclooxygenase (Cox) inhibitor, much like ibuprofen and aspirin. However, there is one key difference to note regarding how these substances impact different Cox enzymes.

The Cox-1 enzyme is primarily responsible for maintaining the body’s intestinal and stomach lining, while Cox-2 causes inflammation. NSAIDs impact both Cox enzymes, which is why repeated, frequent use of the drugs over the long term can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

CBDA, on the other hand, only impacts Cox-2 to reduce inflammation and associated aches or discomfort, meaning that it works in much the same way as NSAIDs but won’t produce damaging effects to the stomach lining, even after frequent or prolonged use. Additionally, while CBDA interacts with the ECS by inhibiting the Cox-2 enzyme, it doesn’t directly affect the central nervous system, which means people can rely on CBDA without feeling impaired. 

Related: 8700 Relief: Superior Strength CBD Salve (single 1oz Jar)

IS CBDA Legal?

Cannabis legalization varies on a state-by-state basis, although the enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill officially legalized the industrial production of hemp across the United States by removing it from the Federal government’s Controlled Substances Act. As a result, a massive array of CBD products quickly flooded the market. Under the new law established by the Farm Bill, all CBD products are required to contain no more than 0.3% THC, which is largely where the differentiation between marijuana and hemp comes into play.

CBDA is typically treated in the same manner as CBD in both international and U.S. markets, despite being widely recognized as distinct cannabinoids. Because CBDA is not an intoxicant, it’s legal to purchase in almost all states. However, in states that prohibit the sale of THC, all products containing CBDA must be THC-free to comply with the law. The differences between state laws regarding cannabis can make it difficult for people to understand what products they are and aren’t allowed to purchase or keep in their possession.

To help keep things easy, here are some key factors to keep in mind regarding the legality of CBDA;

  • In states where cannabis is legally allowed for medical but not recreational purposes, cannabis products containing THC are only available via a doctor’s prescription. However, all non-psychoactive cannabis products can be sold over the counter legally.

  • In states where cannabis is legally allowed for recreational use, cannabis products of all kinds can be sold legally over the counter and are not illegal to possess. 

  • In states where cannabis is completely illegal, non-psychoactive cannabis preparations are still legal, but with restrictions.

In short, CBDA oil is available for purchase in almost all 50 states. However, depending on your state, it may not contain THC. Check your state laws for more information regarding what types of cannabis products are legally available to you.

Do You Want to See What CBDA Can Do For You? 8700 Relief Has You Covered

The vast majority of CBD products on the market don’t contain any notable traces of CBDA, which means they’re much weaker than they could theoretically be and can only provide a fraction of the relief you might be looking for. You’ll be hard-pressed to find any quality CBDA products from major distributors. Thankfully, that’s where 8700 Relief has come in to fill the void!

We utilize a uniquely designed manufacturing process to preserve the presence of CBDA while also allowing the development of some CBD so that you can enjoy the benefits of both cannabinoids!

If you’re a frequent user of CBD products but want to achieve a higher level of potential relief, consider trying our specially formulated CBDA and CBD salve to see what benefits it can provide in your health and wellness routine. Our CBDA product is thought to be risk-free and comes without the risk of triggering any high sensations or other potential issues related to THC (such as company drug testing). 

Final Key-Point Summary

Before finishing up this article, let’s take a quick moment to cover some of the essential points we hope you’ll take away from what you’ve read.

  1. Neither CBDA nor CBD will get you “high.”

  2. CBDA is essentially the mother of CBD.

  3. CBDA is much more powerful than CBD in certain aspects and can provide more benefits for some issues.

  4. CBDA can produce significant anti-inflammatory and discomfort-reducing effects and several other potential benefits.

  5. It isn’t easy to find products containing CBDA because it naturally breaks down into CBD, especially during product manufacturing processes.

  6. Because CBDA takes fewer processes to form, some people consider it more natural than CBD.

  7. Only a few specialized retailers offer access to quality CBDA products, like 8700 Relief. 

*FDA Disclaimer

While the above information on this website is the product of intensive scientific research into CBDA, CBD, and cannabis, it should be noted that the data has not been officially evaluated or approved by the FDA. Neither the above information nor CBDA and CBD products- such as those offered by 8700 Relief- are designed to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any condition. Before starting any supplement, CBD, or CBDA product, please consult with your doctor for advice, especially if you are currently nursing, pregnant, or have any pre-existing medical conditions. You should also seek medical advice before use if you are taking other prescribed medications.

There are plenty of CBD products for people to choose from when looking for relief from pain, inflammation, and more, but very few of these products contain CBDA. Our specially formulated salve at 8700 Relief proudly features both CBD and CBDA to better your chances of finding the relief you need.

About Liliana L. Benzel

Liliana Benzel is a professional editor and content writer who specializes in ghostwriting and article creation in a vast array of industries, from health and wellness to cryptocurrency and more. She’s an esteemed cum laude alumna of the University of Denver with a passion for SEO.


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